
Tokenize networked
and utilities

A stylized photograph of Althea telecommunications antennae on an urban rooftop at night.
An image of telecommunications antennae at night.

managed infrastructure

Today, physical infrastructure and the services it delivers are closely linked, owned and managed by the same utility company.

But infrastructure tokenized with can run any service and join any network.

Better experience for users. Less brittle, more resilient networks. New, open markets for infrastructure.

ifi image

Introducing iFi: Infrastructure Finance

  • Real estate owners: unlock liquidity – tokenize infrastructure as fungible or non-fungible tokens on
  • Utility companies: leverage Althea's technical innovations in your grids – earn recurring revenue from tokenized assets
  • Developers: easily build composable interfaces and dApps to manage open, interconnected markets
  • New ways to fund, build, and coordinate infrastructure for everyone else